Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ironies of Life!!

S has what A wants and A has what S wants. They are stuck with what they have and being the best of friends, they cannot exchange what they have to make each other happy. All they can do is laugh at what they have, what they want and what they cannot do.

Someone said, when life gives you a lemon, make lemonade. They also said, when life gives you a lemon , look for someone who has vodka and enjoy the party!! Life gave S and A the lemon and vodka, but, is not letting them enjoy neither the the lemonade nor the party, cos they dont have the knife to slice the lemon. Such are the ironies of Life!

Can anyone donate a knife , please!! We will give you some lemonade or vodka!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Everybody loves Life. Their life. No one has the right to steal life from anyone. Imagine sitting in a garden full of flowers and nipping a bud even before it could bloom into a beautiful flower. Neither do you have the right nor I or anyone else in this world.

I came across a video that was intended to create awareness against female foeticide. It really moved me. Laadli is an awareness campaign against female foeticide. It breaks my heart how those insensitive people can forget the womb they came from and kill their own daughters. My dad always told me daughters are a gift and daughters are the forces that bind the family. I am shocked to know that there are 27 lakh crimes related to sex determination in educated India!!

Years ago, when a girl stole the two crystal peacocks that I got at the craft exhibition at school, I was so sad and bitter at her that I prayed she should flunk her math exam. I prayed that night and a number of nights that followed. all i cared for then was my crystal peacocks. Now, years later, the peacocks don't matter to me but i can't comprehend how someone can inflict pain on others. If only prayers had powers.. Stealing life is a great sin...and stealing someones life even before they get a chance to live it..a greater sin!!

I made my pledge and I hope you do it too...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

worried wednesday...

Sometimes I wake up very frustrated at Life. Today is one such morning. I would have all my plans chalked out in a certain manner and Life calmly walks by and spills water over it. Life makes everything seem perfect for some time and then suddenly….capricious Life! Life doesn’t have a clue what Life wants and how and where to go. Life is as confused as I am. And no matter how hard I try, I fail to prove that Life doesn’t need the green dough. I sometimes feel it is that stash that keeps Life going, and yeah, also the satisfaction Life gets while seeing people fail; miserably! I can’t complain completely about Life. Sometimes Life shows a few grains of goodness too (very generous huh!!)

The vagaries of Life often baffle me. I can’t be frustrated at Life for long..maybe this is what ‘they’ call as ‘love’ and 'Life'.. I love Life!!