Friday, August 14, 2009


Everybody loves Life. Their life. No one has the right to steal life from anyone. Imagine sitting in a garden full of flowers and nipping a bud even before it could bloom into a beautiful flower. Neither do you have the right nor I or anyone else in this world.

I came across a video that was intended to create awareness against female foeticide. It really moved me. Laadli is an awareness campaign against female foeticide. It breaks my heart how those insensitive people can forget the womb they came from and kill their own daughters. My dad always told me daughters are a gift and daughters are the forces that bind the family. I am shocked to know that there are 27 lakh crimes related to sex determination in educated India!!

Years ago, when a girl stole the two crystal peacocks that I got at the craft exhibition at school, I was so sad and bitter at her that I prayed she should flunk her math exam. I prayed that night and a number of nights that followed. all i cared for then was my crystal peacocks. Now, years later, the peacocks don't matter to me but i can't comprehend how someone can inflict pain on others. If only prayers had powers.. Stealing life is a great sin...and stealing someones life even before they get a chance to live it..a greater sin!!

I made my pledge and I hope you do it too...


  1. no doubt it is a noble thought but i'd really be happy if people don't restrict that thought just to 'humans'!..c'mmon even a chicken deserves to live ( ya i understand in case of tribes men n others with little option,food chain n etc)

  2. Yeah the chicken definitely deserves to live. every living thing is born with a purpose. the purpose of a chicken's life is to feed its fellow living things and provide them with proper nutrition. It is only when the purpose of life is served that the soul achieves fulfillment..

    the conclusion is that the chicken is a very noble being and would definitely go to heaven for feeding the teeming millions! ;)

  3. and may i ask you since when did we inherit the right to determine lives of these chicken(please don't tell becoz we raised'em),...i hope the above thought remains intact when you have to stare into chicken's eyes while being culled(and also pls don't tell there are humane ways of ending life!!).

  4. i kw it sounds stupid but it is a whole different argument again. Just because plants dont have a voice or eyes to look into, can it be assumed that we are not causing them pain when you cut off a part of their body to nourish ourselves? and the same applies to diary products...
